Yesterday we celebrated pancake day!! We could enjoy a special snack, and it was delicious. We want to thank your participation, this day has become a tradition in our school. ¡Ayer celebramos pancake day! Pudimos disfrutar de un almuerzo especial, y estaba delicioso. Queremos agradecer vuestra participación. Este día se ha convertido en una tradición …
Categoría: BRIT
Dic 12
ACTIVIDADES PRIMER TRIMESTRE: Halloween en Educación Infantil
«On October 31st we celebrated Halloween. The preschool students visited the tunnel of terror. There was a witch who told them a story about Halloween. Afterwards, they put their hands inside some boxes that contained terrifying surprises like spaghetti, slime and other sticky things. We had a great time!!» «El pasado 31 de …
Jun 21
To finish the school year, the 3 years old students have visited the students of 1st of Primary, because all of them have been learning about the plants. They share a great moment, the little ones learnt from the olders. Para terminar el curso, el alumnado de 3 años ha visitado las clases de 1º, …
May 22
The other day we had a special activity, an english theatre!!! We were very exited!! It was called «Snowball». Snowball is a baby polar bear and an ice witch took him and we had to rescue him with the help of the sun. We participate a lot, and we sang lots of songs. It was …
Abr 11
The 17th of March we celebrated St. Patrick´s day. A Leprechaun came to the school!! We had lots of fun!! El 17 de marzo celebramos el día de st. Patrick. Un leprechaun vino al cole. Nos lo pasamos genial!
Feb 23
En 5 años hemos trabajado las mascotas de la clase. Os hemos preparado un video para que adivinéis qué mascota somos en cada clase. ¿Estáis preparados? The 5 year olds children have learned about their class’ pets. We have prepared a video and you have to guess what animal are we. Are you ready?? …
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